Tired of losing it with your kids?

You hold the key to the answers and I’m here to help you find all the right doors.

Hey mama,

Are you feeling chronically stressed out and maybe even on the verge of burnout?

Finding yourself easily overwhelmed and frustrated?

Maybe you were managing pretty well before having kids, but the addition of kids (especially ones who are strong willed and intense, but also super sensitive) has been more than expected.

Especially because you want to raise your kids different than how you were raised.

Maybe you’re feeling a little isolated because you see other moms doing it, but most other moms aren’t like you, with kids like yours.

As a result you find yourself yelling at your kids way more than you want to. Wishing for a parenthood that centers joy, love, play, and connection, but keep finding yourself in survival mode instead.

Maybe you’re wondering what’s missing? Is it really supposed to be this hard? Am I doing something wrong? I keep trying harder, but I still end up losing it and yelling.

Well, I’m not someone who claims to have all the answers, AND I strongly believe it doesn’t have to be that hard and that, no, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Come play with me and we’ll figure this out together.

I could keep going on about all the ways in which you’re probably pulling your hair out on the daily, but wouldn’t it feel better to hear about what it could be like instead?

Life with your family and kids doesn’t have to be exhausting and overwhelming, and you don’t have to wait until they’re older for things to get easier and become more fun or enjoyable. You can absolutely have that right now.

Imagine being with your family, feeling confident that everything is going to work out just fine, that tantrums or tears may come, but you’re feeling relaxed because you have faith in your ability to show up and be the fun, creative, loving leader they (and you) need.

And when you show up with confidence and love, you’re showing up as the mom you know your kids deserve, your kids start to mirror your vibe and have an easier time of cooperating and collaborating with you.

Transitions become smoother and less stressful and every time you notice how smoothly things are going, you relax even more.

Before you know it, your nervous system starts to recover and instead of yelling at your kids you’re able to tap into your creative flow and start connecting and having fun with them.

Sure, there will be hard days, still, and there is plenty to feel stressed about. But you have resources and awareness that can carry you through the toughest storms and most epic meltdowns.

And if this sounds hard to imagine or maybe too good to be true, that’s okay. “seeing is believing” isn’t just a cute phrase, our bodies really do need to experience things to believe them, sometimes.

And when you’ve been functioning from survival mode for who knows how long, your brain isn’t interested in hopeful fantasies, it needs tangible proof.

I work with you on getting this proof.

Hi there!

I’m Sabrina and I help burnt out yet dedicated mamas like you stop losing your shit and yelling at your kids. But I definitely don’t stop there, because I get that you’re yelling for some good reasons and things need to change, like 6+ months ago.

Visit my Substack to get to know me and find some yummy parenting insights!

the stop yelling & start playing method

  • Many times our problems come from getting stuck in bad habits, even something like yelling or getting stressed can become a habit if we do it enough times. Our brains like predictability and familiarity, even if those predictable patterns of behavior don’t serve us anymore. I start by helping you rewire these patterns.

  • The stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we can or can’t do, and how the world works holds a ton of power in governing our behavior. We work together to identify unhelpful stories (that are usually created very young and unconsciously) and start writing new ones that better serve you and your values.

  • Pouring from an empty cup is a recipe for resentment and rage. this is where we support your nervous system even more, because losing it and yelling is usually communication that our boundaries are being crossed. So, we work on clarifying limits and building more internal resources to support your needs for rest and deep self-care.

  • This level of the program is where we focus on growing your relationship with yourself and your kids. There’s an emphasis on incorporating more play, enjoyment, and creativity into parenting. While all of these areas are worked on simultaneously, this last one gets easier once you’re no longer in survival mode/chronically stressed.

  • Item description

Stop yelling & start playing

Stop yelling & start playing

The stop yelling & start playing package is a 3+ month long coaching program and is here to not only help you reach your goals, but transform your relationship with yourself and your kids.

Find the details down below in the FAQ.


  • This is a 3-6 month long program and is customized to meet you where you’re at. One on one sessions happen weekly and are an hour long.

  • This program is offered in 3 month packages (12 sessions) and is offered on a tiered payment option to accommodate different incomes:

    $240 ($20/session), $720 ($60/session), $1,176 ($98/session)

  • I am certified as an integrative change worker through the Ethical Coaching Collective and a current student at National University’s Consciousness, Psychology, and Transformative studies graduate program. I also have 3+ years of holistic counseling psychology graduate school education/training.

  • No. There are weekly, hour long sessions, plus additional support during the week via messaging.

  • I don’t offer a money back guarantee, but refunds for unused sessions are an option.

  • There are different opinions on the exact differences, but a major one is training and education and certification. As a coach I am not licensed and do not work with the diagnosis or treatment of “mental disorders”. I am “trauma informed” and have training working with different diagnosis’s and addiction, but I don’t approach mental health challenges the same. And for this particular program, as a coach, I have training to help heal old wounds and facilitate changes in behavior and thinking and emotional regulation. Unlike therapy, however, I focus more on growth versus recounting difficult experiences (I.e. it’s my job to interrupt your stories of suffering, but with love and sensitivity).

  • My intention is to always be affirming of diversity. I speak to “moms” on my website to be more specific, but work with anyone who is a caregiver of young children, regardless of your gender identity or biological relationship to the kid(s) you care for. This work is about finding what works best for you and your particular family. I have training and education to help you get what you want. I do not know what is best for you and your family. It is also my goal to be as culturally informed as possible, doing my best to educate myself and tend to unconscious biases

  • I work with individuals who are motivated to change. This is not for parents who are seeking ways to encourage more compliance and obedience from their kid(s). This is for individuals who recognize all we really have control over is ourselves and in helping ourselves, we help our relationships as well. This perspective works well with families who appreciate/utilize parenting approaches such as gentle or conscious parenting, respectful parenting, low demand parenting, and homeschooling or unschooling families. This is also a great question to have answered during a 30 minute consultation call.

  • Yes, I have weekend availability. No evening availability.

stop trying to do better & be More.

You’re already doing so much more than any one person is capable of. It’s time to start doing different and definitely start doing it with someone who gets it.